Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Future Energy

Equivalent oil reserves of rock four times the conventional oil, but the current production is very weak in no way affect the market, so the hopes complexity on the future technological development to Processing the impediments to this production.

"According to the World Energy Council 
 statistics, oil rocks contain 4786 billion   
 barrels, or four times the conventional oil 
 reserves, the United States has 3706 
 billion barrels"

The majority of current statistics dating back to estimates developed in the mid-eighties of the last century. It is discretionary and must reserve increased when the oil industry gives more attention to the oil of the rocks, and when you advance the methods used in its sole discretion.

The countries (except Russia), which have large quantities of these imported crude rocks at the present time. And it will switch to exporting countries when there are favorable conditions for production.

Add to that the stature of the United States, which accounts for the greatest share amounting to 77.4% of world reserves. While Saudi Arabia, the largest country in terms of the size of conventional oil - has only 21.1% of conventional oil in the world. The USA oil reserves of petroleum rocks equivalent to more than four times the oil reserves of conventional and non-conventional in all Arab countries.

"Concentration of rock oil in the United 
  States, which owns modern advanced
  technological means needed for production 
  and infrastructure, means that this
  country will control if the depletion
  of conventional oil total control of 
  geographic and economic power in 
  the world."

The extraction can be either surface or topically. Where surface oil extraction move rocks to the surface for processing in a non-air furnaces.This furnace temperature ranging between 450 and 500 degrees Celsius enough to convert the kerogen to crude oil, which is subject to the refining process for petroleum products. But this method is harmful to the environment because of the quantity and seriousness of the gases emitted by, as the first carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

Quotingsite : 


translated by : Ahmad hasan jasem

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